sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Extra Vergine Sponge Care

Today I saw this sponge and I couldn’t resist so I bought it, it’s an exfolianting sponge in a shape of an apple. I read the description of it and I liked it so much that I decided to give it a try.
The result is a special exfoliating face pad and an exfoliating body sponge with olive pits, aimed at contrasting skin ageing phenomena and safeguarding it’s natural brightness, for an effective and profound cleaning of the face removing and any dead skin without burning the it.
A wide range also made of a back massage brush and a nail brush with a handcrafted feel.
The whole line draws inspiration from the natural beauty of the olive wood grain.
The line is also completed by a linen and chenille glove for body massages, elegantly woven and created for ambidextrous handling, and a massage linen and brush. I think that besides giving shine it, it also stops aging, it can help on some other areas, for example people with acne it’s a great scrub.
I will try it and later I’ll tell you about my experience.

Product of Italy

4 comentários:

  1. Lovely blog! Now following!

  2. Bem as coisas que descobrimos :):)

    Aproveito a visita para te incentivar a participar nos passatempos a decorrer no meu blog!

    Um top lace trend da Amy Gee (uma marca recente mas que já conquistou figuras públicas inclusive): http://www.marcasporamor.com/2012/02/passatempo-lace-trend-da-nova-colecao.html

    E uma t-shirt da marca masculina Antony Morato (segmento médio/alto em qualidade!) – representada em Portugal pelo actor Angelo Rodrigues!: http://www.marcasporamor.com/2012/01/passatempo-t-shirt-ss12-by-antony.html

    espero que seja do agrado!
    um beijinho!

